Bronchoscopy Workshop 2019
Dear Friends,
The department of Pulmonary Medicine, Christian Medical College, Vellore is pleased to announce the 1 st Basic Bronchoscopy Workshop & Course to be held at CMC, Vellore from 1st to 5th July 2019. There will be a 2 day workshop followed by a 3 days course, for those who choose to undergo an in depth practical training, on first come first served basis (the slots are limited).
Bronchoscopy is the most important procedure performed by the Pulmonologist. It has both diagnostic as well as therapeutic roles in management of patients with lung diseases. While basic diagnostic bronchoscopy is so important for a pulmonologist, comprehensive practical training programmes are not easily available. Workshops provide basic training, but seldom provide the quantum of training or confidence to go on to do the procedure independently. Therefore this course was conceived.
We have already successfully conducted 2 Medical Thoracoscopy courses, which have been extremely successful and in demand. More than 1500 bronchoscopies and interventional procedures are performed every year at CMC, Vellore and we are well poised to conduct this training program in bronchoscopy. The first 2 days will involve didactic lectures and live demonstrations, with opportunity for practice of the procedure on mannequins and animal models.
This will be followed by 3 day course for those opting for it, involving hands on training along with the CMC bronchoscopy team. The trainees would be able to watch at close quarters and participate in: patient selection, pre and post procedure care, performing bronchoscopy, bronchial biopsy, bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL), transbronchial lung biopsy (TBLB) and conventional transbronchial needle aspiration (TBNA). This is likely to bridge the gap between the theoretical knowledge and the ability to independently perform bronchoscopy. There will also be instructions on the equipment- bronchoscope & its accessories- and their storage and maintenance. These insights may be helpful for anyone planning to set up a bronchoscopy suite.
We believe this workshop cum course, the first of its kind in the country, will be a boon to those who intend to start performing bronchoscopy and for those who are performing bronchoscopy, but feel inadequately trained and poorly equipped.
We look forward to welcoming you at Vellore for this unique training programme.
Please visit to Register yourself for the upcoming Workshop to be held between 01.07.2019 and 05.07.2019.