Information for Abstract Submission
Allergocon is an international meeting held at Christian Medical College (Vellore, India) that focusses on emerging topics in clinical allergy, asthma, and immunology. Attendees are strongly encouraged to submit findings from original scientific research for poster presentation at the meeting. The authors of the top six posters will be invited to deliver a 10-minute oral presentation on January 25, 2025. Each person who advances to the final round will receive a prize of Rs.8000/-. The top three winners of the oral presentation (final round) will receive additional valuable prizes.
In addition to the abstract presentation, we invite delegates to submit and present interesting cases. The top two cases from adults and paediatrics will be chosen and discussed in the “Ask the Expert” session. All four presenters will receive a cash prize of Rs. 8000/- each. Even a partially completed difficult case that requires inputs can be submitted with the limited information available. However, the final decision to award is up to the judges.
- We will notify you once your abstract or case is accepted.
- Registration is mandatory for those presenting.
A) Poster Presentation
- Only original abstracts will be accepted.
- Abstracts previously presented in Allergocon should not be submitted.
- When previously published figures or tables are used, the author must obtain written permission from the copyright holder (usually the publisher) to reproduce the material. An appropriate credit line should be included in the figure legend or table footnote, and full publication information should be cited in the reference list.
- Please review your submission carefully to make sure that all appropriate data and all authors are listed and in the correct order. List the authors in the order in which they should appear in the abstract. If you are the presenting author, your name needs to be listed first in the author block
- a). First Name, Middle Initial and Last Name
- b). Company/Institution Name
- c). City, State and Country
- d). Email id
- The deadline for submission is January 15, 2025.
- Abstract Length: There is a limit of 15 words for the title and 300 words for the body of your abstract submission.
- Use of Figures: You may add one figure to your abstract; however, it is recommended that results be shown in narrative form. The figure must be submitted as a JPEG or PNG file and cannot exceed 500kb.
- Organization of Abstract Body
- a). Introduction: A brief introduction indicating the reason for the study
- b). Methods: A description of the methods used to evaluate the study (do not include laboratory techniques)
- c). Results: Specific data necessary to evaluate the abstract (should occupy 1/2 to 2/3 of the abstract)
- d). Conclusion: A brief conclusion indicating
B) Medically Challenging Case Abstract
- Medically challenging cases should illustrate one of the following:
- a). The management of novel or very uncommon diseases
- b). A common disease presenting in an uncommon way
- c). An uncommon disease masquerading as something more common
- d). Cases which expand understanding of disease pathogenesis
- e). Cases where the teaching point is based on an error
- f). Cases which allow us to re-think established medical lore
- g). Unreported adverse effects of interventions (drug, procedural, or other)
2. Abstract Length: There is a limit of 15 words for the title and 300 words for the body of your abstract submission.
3. Use of Figures: You may add any number of figures to your abstract. Each figure must be submitted as a JPEG or PNG file and cannot exceed 500kb.
4. Organization of Abstract Body
Introduction: Describe the context of the case and explain its relevance and importance.
Case Description: When reporting the case, follow the basic rules of medical communication; describe in sequence the history, physical examination, investigative studies, and the patient’s progress and outcome.
Discussion: Review why decisions were made and extract the lesson from the case